Trezor Model One | The Original Crypto Hardware Wallet

Trezor Model One

The go-to choice for offline crypto security for over 10 years. A trusted, proven, and affordable hardware wallet that has stood the test of time.

0.96" Monochromatic OLED screen

Coin management in Trezor Suite

9000+ supported coins & tokens

Benefit from open-source

Transparent wallet design makes Trezor better and safer

Safeguard with wallet backup

Peace of mind-easily regain access to your funds

Protect your wallet’s access

Passphrase- & PIN-entry access on your wallet

Securely manage your crypto

Digital asset management your way-send, receive, trade & track

Verify every transaction

Direct on-device confirmation transaction security

Trust your wallet from day one

Security seals on your Trezor packaging and device

Trezor Model One

The original hardware wallet

Trezor Safe 3

Passphrase & Secure Element protected

Trezor Model T

Coin security with a touchscreen

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Frequently asked questions

What’s the difference between Model One vs Model TS3?

The Model One has served as the backbone of the crypto hardware wallet industry for more than a decade. The Trezor Safe 3 stands out with its integrated Secure Element chip, providing an additional layer of security for your private data. Both feature a sleek OLED screen for exceptional display quality and a user-friendly button interface.

What are the reviews of Trezor Model One?

The original crypto hardware wallet remains a solid, trustworthy solution for coin storage and management. With a user-friendly interface and a high-quality OLED screen, it continues to be reliable choice for securely managing your cryptocurrency portfolio.

How do I transfer my funds from an exchange (Coinbase or Binance) to Model One?

Transferring your cryptocurrency from Coinbase to your Trezor is a breeze. Start by connecting your Trezor Model One, launching Trezor Suite, and entering your PIN. Then, select your preferred receiving account and copy the wallet address. Switch to Coinbase, choose the cryptocurrency, paste the address, and confirm the transaction. That’s it!

Why should I use Trezor Model One instead of holding crypto on an exchange?

Holding your coins online comes with significant risks. Online exchanges are high-value targets for cyberattacks, making them susceptible to security breaches that could compromise your sensitive data. The Trezor Model One is a secure place for your crypto, offering an offline, highly secure environment to safeguard your assets.

How do I buy a Trezor Model One hardware wallet?

For a safe bet on getting your hands on a new Trezor Model One, just head to the official Trezor Shop or check out one of our trusted resellers. These are your go-to options to make sure your device is the real deal, no funny business. And if you've got any questions about your Trezor purchase, don't hesitate to hit up Trezor Support. They've got your back!


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