Trezor Keep Metal | Recovery Seed Phrase Backup Solution

Trezor Keep Metal 12-word recovery seed

Protect your recovery seed with unparalleled peace of mind, expertly made from premium stainless steel.

Simplify your wallet backup

Protect & guarantee access to your coins

Store your recovery seed in a durable backup

Safeguard your wealth

Financial security for retirement, your family, or a rainy day

Punch away securely

The box holds your Trezor Keep Metal in place when punching

Trust the design

Fire, water & impact-resistant device built to last a lifetime

Pre-mark & eliminate mistakes

The pre-marking pen ensures accurate letter marking

Simplify your wallet backup

The easy four-letter entry simplifies your recovery seed words

Seal in the security

Security seal stickers ensure your backup hasn't been messed with

Frequently asked questions

Why store my seed phrase offline?

Keeping your seed phrase safe and sound offline is super important when you're dealing with stuff like bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.This way, you can chill without worrying about hackers, hardware issues, or tricky social tricks messing with your coins.It's all about safeguarding your privacy and providing long-term resilience.

What is the difference between the seed phrase and private key?

A seed phrase, also known as a recovery seed or wallet backup, is like your wallet's safety words, a sequence of readable words to back up and recover your wallet. Private key, on the other hand, is your super-secret code, typically a long jumble of characters. It's what you use to sign transactions and access your crypto stored at a specific address.

Where should I store my Trezor Keep Metal?

Store your wallet backup inside your Trezor Keep Metal in a safe, secure place. This could be a hidden safe in the wall, a hole your pooch Rusty dug in the backyard, or anywhere else that is only known by you or others you trust completely. Once you’ve found the perfect hiding place, sit back, relax, and enjoy some peace of mind.

What’s the difference between Trezor Keep Metal vs Cryptotag Zeus?

The Trezor Keep Metal rocks a simple 4-letter recovery seed entry layout plus security seals, making sure it’s clear if anyone has tampered with your backup. On the flip side, the Cryptotag Zeus goes for the more complicated BIP-39 wordlist input without any tamper-seal protection, putting your recovery seed at risk.

What is the safest place to store bitcoin / crypto?

The best place to keep your coins super safe is offline. And guess what? You can easily do that with a Trezor hardware wallet. Once your coins are in there, they're all yours, and no one can mess with them. Don't forget to back up your wallet and stash it in a Trezor Metal Keep just to be extra safe, no matter what life throws at you.


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