Coins and tokens supported on Trezor

Trezor hardware wallets support thousands of coins and tokens, both natively in Trezor Suite and through third party tools.

Check out the Coins page for a full list of supported coins and tokens.

Assets are cryptocurrencies and tokens secured by your device. On the Trezor Suite Dashboard, the Assets overview under the portfolio graph displays a list of coins and balances for any cryptocurrency currently enabled within Trezor Suite that are secured by your Trezor device.

What assets can I store on my Trezor?

Trezor Suite natively supports 16 cryptocurrencies for the Trezor Model T, 13 for the Trezor Model One, 11 for the Trezor Safe 3, alongside all ERC20 tokens (all Trezor models) and all SPL tokens (Model T and Safe 3). Other cryptocurrencies are supported by Trezor hardware wallets, but must be managed using a third-party walle such as Electrum or MetaMask. These cryptocurrencies are referred to here as non-native assets (see below).

Polygon users: please note that Trezor Suite works with the Polygon proof-of-stake (PoS) network, which was originally launched as the Matic Network in June 2020. If you trade tokens outside the Polygon PoS network, you may not be able to access them.

Natively supported coins

Many coins can be managed directly through Trezor Suite. Simply visit the 'Coins' tab through the Settings menu, or via the 'Enable more coins' button on the Dashboard, under your portfolio graph. You can toggle all coins or pick specific ones to use with your device.


At SatoshiLabs we firmly believe that bitcoin deserves its place as the leading cryptocurrency: it is proven to be secure, truly decentralized, and offers financial privacy. We constantly strive to improve and innovate the entire bitcoin buying, selling and trading experience - for new and experienced investors alike.

Bitcoin is perhaps the most important digital asset that will be required in the future, and at SatoshiLabs we aim to make our products as safe and user-friendly as possible.

By using Bitcoin-only firmware, you will only have access to your bitcoin assets secured by your Trezor device. This is recommended for anyone who does not intend to secure other cryptocurrencies with their Trezor hardware wallet.

Ethereum tokens

All Ethereum ERC20 tokens are supported by Trezor Suite. To add them, simply create an Ethereum account and click 'Add token' to add a new token using its contract address.

To find a token's contract address, simply search for the token in your preferred search engine and copy the contract address from its project homepage or using an Ethereum block explorer such as the Trezor Ethereum Explorer. As soon as you receive your ERC20 tokens, you will be able to view balances of the token(s) under the Ethereum Account menu.

Non-natively supported coins (using third-party wallets)

Some cryptocurrencies use specific technology stacks that make it difficult to support them directly in Trezor Suite. Many third-party wallets support Trezor as a way to sign transactions and provide security, while being built and maintained by a company other than SatoshiLabs.

This includes cryptocurrencies such as Monero (XMR) and Tezos (XTZ), as well as ERC721 tokens known as NFTs, which are all secured by your Trezor hardware wallet.

Using a third-party wallet with your Trezor provides the same level of protection for your private keys as when using Trezor Suite.

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